
Server load

The "load average" is a metric that measures the amount of work that a Linux system is currently doing. The load average numbers represent the average number of processes that are waiting to run over the last 1, 5, and 15 minutes, respectively.

In general, a load average of 1.00 represents a fully loaded system, with all available CPU resources being used. A load average of 0.50 means that the system is using half of its available CPU resources, and a load average of 2.00 means that the system is using twice its available CPU resources.


Displays information about the number of processes that are currently running on the system. It displays four numbers: Running, Sleeping, Stopped and Zombie.

In general, a higher number of running processes can indicate that the system is under heavy load and is working to execute many tasks simultaneously. Similarly, a high number of sleeping processes can indicate that the system is idle and waiting for user input or other events.


Shows the current usage of the CPU on your Linux system.

Overall, the CPU section can be useful for identifying which processes are using the most CPU resources on your system. If you notice that a particular process is using a lot of CPU, you may want to investigate it further to see if it's causing performance issues or if it's a process that can be safely terminated.


Shows the current usage of the memory on your system. If you notice that a particular process is using a lot of memory, you may want to investigate it further to see if it's causing performance issues or if it's a process that can be safely terminated.

Additionally, monitoring the overall usage of physical memory on your system can be helpful in determining whether your system has enough RAM for your needs, or if you may need to consider upgrading your RAM to improve performance.

Disk and Files

Monitoring the remaining space on the server's disk will help you avoid errors when saving new data that could endanger the operation of your applications.

It is also important to know whether a particular file has been created or not, whether it contains data or is empty. This is useful to know, for example, when archiving or logging.


Monitoring services such as Apache, MySQL and others is essential to ensure smooth operation and server stability. Service monitoring is especially important for detecting and resolving performance issues before they affect system performance or cause downtime.

You can thus find out not only whether the service is in the list of services, but also in what state it is in. Whether it is running, active or loaded. In one test, it is possible to detect the presence of several conditions at once.